Kwikset Smart Lock not working: Escaping the Lockout Limbo in 28 ways

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Kwikset smart lock not working

Last updated on June 17th, 2023 at 10:38 am

Kwikset Smart Lock becomes popular day by day because of having some unique and special features to secure a home or office. 

But over time, it is common to face trouble with this lock. So if you experience any problem, you don’t need to panic though it is worrying. 

Here we have included some common problems with their reason and the probable solution you can try to troubleshoot your issues.

Here is why your Kwikset smart lock is not working:

  • Your lock is jammed
  • Batteries are running low or near dead
  • The battery installment may be wrong
  • You may enter the incorrect access code

Ok, now let’s see how we can solve this issue:

Table of Contents

How to fix the Kwikset door lock not working?

Here are some possible fixes you can try for the lock that won’t work:

 Kwikset door lock not working

Check the batteries

If the batteries in your Kwikset Smart Lock are running low or near dead, the lock may not work. 

In that case, change and replace these batteries with new fresh ones. 

Even if the battery’s polarity is placed incorrectly during installation or after the battery change, it won’t work.  

So, remove the batteries from your lock and reinstall them. At that moment, ensure the correct polarity of these batteries.

The lock is jammed

If any dirt or debris is stuck on the lock component, it will be jammed. So, it won’t work while trying to lock or unlock the door. 

Clean any dirt to solve this issue using a soft towel or cloth.

Check if the door hinges, motors, or any instrument is worn out or broken. If yes, call a locksmith to repair them.

Related post: Kwikset halo lock jammed problem solved!

Incorrect installation

If a Kwikset lock was not installed correctly, it may not work smoothly. 

Double-check the Kwikset manual installation instructions for your specific Kwikset lock. Now confirm it is properly aligned and secured.

incorrect installation of kwikset smart lock

Read this Kwikset Smart Lock installation guide to get better knowledge.

Enter the right code

If you type an incorrect code thrice, you will lock out for 60 seconds. If you forget your user code, reset the lock code, or add a new code.

But the lock won’t work even if you enter the correct code if you forget to press the lock button. So press the lock button after typing the code.

Update firmware

Update any software firmware if they are outdated to work the lock properly. 

Kwikset keypad door lock not working

Kwikset keypad door lock not working

If your Kwikset keypad door lock isn’t working, there would be several reasons.

  • Dead batteries
  • Wrong code and Keypad lockout
  • Keypad issues
  • Wrong installation
  • Need reset

How to fix the Kwikset keypad door lock not working?

  1. Check if the batteries are low. If it is, the lock won’t work. So replace them quickly with new ones.
  1. Don’t enter the wrong passcode several times. It will lock out your keypad for some time. After a few minutes, try again.
  1. Check if any buttons on the keypad are stuck or unresponsive. If so, clean the keypad with a soft and dry cloth to remove debris. 

Otherwise, it may interfere with the keypad buttons.

  1. If the installation process of your lock isn’t correct, it won’t work perfectly. You can read our Kwikset Smart lock installation guide to know the installation process.
  1. If the keypad lock is still not working, reset it to its factory settings. 

Kwikset Smart Lock code not working

Kwikset Smart Lock code not working

A code of your Kwikset lock is used to control the lock. But if it doesn’t work, try the following steps to solve this issue:

  1. The wrong user code can’t lock or unlock your door. So, ensure you’re entering the correct access code. 
  1. Don’t type an incorrect code thrice or more. Otherwise, the keypad will be locked out for a minute.
  1. Ensure the exact mode of your lock. If you want to lock or unlock an electronic keypad lock, enable this lock/unlock function. To do it,
  • Go to Settings.
  • Click on Lock controls and the Setup Options.
  • Find the Keypad mode on the App.
  • Turn it Off or On.

Kwikset Door Lock not working locked out

Kwikset Door Lock not working locked out

If your Kwikset door lock isn’t working locked out and you’re getting locked out, try the following steps to troubleshoot:

Battery issue

Check and ensure the batteries have power and charge if it is rechargeable batteries. If not, replace them to solve this issue.

Access code issues

Check if someone has access to your code. When you’re together trying to use these access codes, it will be an obstacle. 

So you should remove these codes to solve this issue.

Incorrect code

  1. If your entering code is incorrect, the lock won’t open. 
  1. Try entering the access code again. Ensure you’re entering the correct digits and that the lock is responding to each press of the keypad button. 
  1. Don’t enter incorrect codes several times. It will lock out the keypad. In that case, wait a few minutes and try again by entering the correct code.

Kwikset Smart Door Lock goes offline

Kwikset Door Lock Not Responding

Your Kwikset door lock may not be responding due to its

  • Low or dead batteries
  • Connectivity issues
  • App or device problems

How to troubleshoot Kwikset door lock not responding or goes offline problems?

You can try the below tips to troubleshoot your Kwikset lock with not responding:

  1. If the batteries have no power or are dead, change them with new ones.
  1. If it doesn’t connect to the network or the hub, the touchscreen won’t respond. So check your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth connection.

Ensure the lock is connected to the network or hub and the Bluetooth connection is ON. To do this,

  1. Go to your device Settings
  2. Locate the Bluetooth options and confirms it is turned on.
  3. If required, tap on the ‘Forget this device options’ and try to pair again.
  1. Check if there’re any troubles with your App or devices you use to manage your lock. 

Check for any upgrades. Even you can try with a different device or App to control your Kwikset lock.

Kwikset Smart Lock Bluetooth not working

If your Kwikset lock is Bluetooth enabled, sometimes this function may not work. 

Some issues may be responsible for not working your lock’s Bluetooth functions.

  • Low or dead batteries
  • Range limitations
  • Compatibility problems
  • Bluetooth interference
  • Outdated firmware
  • Reset the lock.

Related post: If you have a halo lock then read more about why halo lock goes offline due to Bluetooth and wi-fi issues

How to troubleshoot a Kwikset lock with Bluetooth issues?

  1. Check if the batteries have no power or are near dead. If yes, replace them with fresh and alkaline batteries depending on your Kwikset model.
  1. If you are staying out of the Bluetooth range of your Kwikset lock, it won’t work. 
kwikset app Bluetooth issue solving picture

So move closer to your lock. It will help improve the Bluetooth signal strength.

  1. Is your mobile or smartphone compatible with your lock? If not, Bluetooth may not work. 

So check the Kwikset website to confirm the compatibility of your smartphone. You can upgrade your phone if it is not compatible.

  1. If you notice another Bluetooth device nearby, it will interfere with the connection between your lock and smartphone. 

Move these devices away or disable Bluetooth on those devices.

  1. Update any firmware software if they are outdated.
  1. If none of the above fixes work, reset your lock using the manufacturer’s manual. You may also read our Kwikset smart lock factory resetting post.

Kwikset Smart Lock touchscreen not working

Kwikset Smart Lock touchscreen not working

Isn’t your lock touchscreen working anymore? It will be more frustrating if you have no keypad.

Your lock touchscreen isn’t work if,

  • The batteries are low or dead.
  • There are any grime or smudges on the touchscreen.
  • There are connectivity issues.
  • Firmware outdated

How to fix the Kwikset smart lock touchscreen?

  1. Change and replace the batteries if they are dead. Ensure the correct polarity of the batteries. Always use a fresh and healthy battery.
  1. Clean any dirt or smudges on the touchscreen with a soft cloth or screen cleaner.
How to fix the Kwikset smart lock touchscreen?
  1. If there are any connectivity issues between the lock and remote devices, it will cause it not to work. 

So remove any obstacles or Bluetooth devices from the remote area.

  1. If the firmware is outdated, quickly upgrade it. Go to the Kwikset website and follow the instructions to update any software.

Kwikset door lock keypad not working or unresponsive

If your Kwikset door lock isn’t working or becomes unresponsive to your command, there could be several reasons. Such as:

  • Dirty or worn-out keys
  • Keypad lockout
  • Low battery
  • Outdated firmware 

How to troubleshoot the Kwikset lock to get its keypad to work again?

  1. If you find any dirt in the keypad or its Key has worn out, it may not respond. 

So clean any dirt with a soft cloth or Q-tip. You can also change the worn-out keys.

How to troubleshoot the Kwikset lock to get its keypad to work again?
  1. If you enter the wrong code several times, your lock may not work, and its keypad will lock out for a few minutes. 

After a few minutes, try again. If it is still unresponsive, check the batteries.

  1. If the batteries are dead, quickly replace them with new fresh ones. Now execute the below steps:
  1. Turn the Switch 3 to its ON position.
  2. Press each lock button once to test all these beeps.
  1. If you don’t hear a beeping sound on all buttons, replace all the batteries.
  1. If the problem remains, contact a professional or Kwikset support to get a service.
  2. You can also try to upgrade the outdated firmware of your lock.
  1. If you try to unlock your door lock via an App or code, the keypad light won’t light up and respond.

Kwikset keypad light not working

Kwikset keypad light not working

You enter your command on the keypad, but it doesn’t light up. There would be some reasons why it happens:

  • Battery is dead
  • The LED option is off
  • Any malfunctioning
  • Wrong cable connections
  • Defective keypad light

How to troubleshoot this issue?

  1. Replace the batteries if they are dead. If it is a rechargeable battery lock, ensure it has charged enough.
  1. Go to your Kwikset App and check if the LED light options are turned off or adjusted. Sometimes it may accidentally get turned off. So turn ON the light option.
Kwikset App
  1. Check the settings of the iOS and Android operating systems. Ensure their configuration is correct and not an obstacle to making a connection between your lock via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth technology.
  1. Ensure the cable connection of the keypad and its internal part is perfect and aligned. 
  1. If none of the above fixes work, the keypad light may defective. In that case, it will be better to call a locksmith to repair your lock.

Kwikset Smart Lock not working after battery change

Kwikset Smart Lock not working after battery change

Because of several reasons, your Kwikset Smart lock isn’t working after the battery change. These are:

  • Incorrect battery installation, 
  • Dead batteries,
  • Mix old and new batteries,
  • Battery compartment issues, 
  • Keypad lockout.

How to troubleshoot?

  1. If the battery installment is incorrect, the lock may not work after the battery change. 

So, double-check the battery installation process and ensure the batteries are properly inserted.

  1. If the batteries are low or dead, replace them with fresh ones.
  1. Ensure the correct batteries you may use. Depending on the Kwikset model, you may need AA or 9V batteries. So, don’t misuse this battery. 
  1. You should confirm the correct polarity for the AA batteries. But if it is 9V batteries for Kwikset 917 and 955, ensure they are suitably connected to the connectors.
  1. Check If there is any corrosion or debris in the battery compartment. Clean it with a soft cloth or brush and WD-40 lubricant. 
  1. If you type too many wrong codes, the lock’s keypad may become locked out. In that case, wait a few minutes and then try entering the valid code again. 

Alternatively, use the provided Key override to unlock your lock. Then reset it to clear the lockout.

  1. Don’t mix old batteries with new ones during battery installation. Change the batteries all at once and replace them with new ones.
  1. Kwikset Smart Lock Key not working:
Kwikset Smart Lock Key not working

If the Key of your Kwikset Smart lock is not working, there are a few attempts you can try:

  1. Check the battery: 

Ensure the batteries in your Kwikset lock are not dead or low. Replace them with new alkaline or 9v batteries and try again.

  1. Verify the Key

Check that you are using the correct Key. Kwikset Smart locks usually come with two keys. If you are using the incorrect one, it will not work.

Even confirm you’re turning the Key correctly. Ensure there is no obstacle while turning it 360 degrees.

  1. Clean the lock: 

Dirt or debris may be interfering with your lock’s mechanism. So use a compressed air can to blow away dust, or try cleaning this lock with a soft cloth or brush.

  1. Lubricate the lock: 

Sometimes, the lock’s internal mechanism may dry and stop working correctly. So try lubricating the lock cylinder with a silicone-based lubricant.

lubricating the lock cylinder
  1. Rekey the lock: 

You can finally rekey your lock to change the old Key and make a new one.

  1. If none of these tips doesn’t work, it may be time to contact Kwikset customer support for any further assistance.

Kwikset smart lock app not working

There are several reasons why your Kwikset door lock app isn’t working, including 

  • Connectivity problems
  • Outdated App
  • Firmware issues
  • Incorrect login credentials

How to fix the Kwikset Smart Lock App not working?

  1. If your phone or tablet is not connected to the internet or the lock’s network, the App may not work. 
  1. Check the Wi-Fi or cellular data connection. Open a web browser, go to Google or Facebook, and check if it is loaded. If not, connect to the lock’s network and try again.
  1. If the App is outdated, go to the App Store. Check for any updates and download the latest version of your Kwikset App.
  1. If the firmware is outdated, upgrade it as soon as possible.
  1. Enter the correct password and username. Reset the password if needed.
  1. Keep the Bluetooth and the Location options turned on. Go to settings, then click Privacy options and location services.
  1. If those step doesn’t work, uninstall and install the App, and try again.
  1. Reset or unpair both your device and Lock to remove connection problems.
  1. If none of the above steps work, contact a professional.

Kwikset Smart Door lock buttons not working

If your Kwikset door locks aren’t working, the following things may be responsible:

  • Dead batteries
  • Connectivity issues
  • Inactive internet connection

How to troubleshoot a Kwikset door lock button not working?

  • Replace the old or dead batteries with new ones.
  • Check the connection between your lock and door. Ensure the cables are correctly connected and not damaged.
  • Check if the internet connection is inactive. If yes, plug an ethernet wire into your router and door lock. If everything is Ok, avoid this step.
  • If the above steps don’t fix your issues, contact a professional for proper help and assistance.

Kwikset Smart Electronic deadbolt clicking noise

You may notice your Kwikset deadbolt makes a clicking noise while the following things happen with the lock:

  • The lock is jammed.
  • Loose screws
  • Bent or broken strike plate
  • Dirty key cylinder
  • Internal malfunction

How to troubleshoot this issue?

  1.  If the clicking noise is happening when you try to lock or unlock the door, it could be jammed. 

So, check for any obstructions in your door frame or around the deadbolt. If you find any dirt stuck on the internal components as obstructions, remove it. 

Then notice if that resolves the problem.

  1. If the clicking noise is coming from your lock itself, the screws holding the lock to the door are probably loose.

 In that case, tighten any loose screws to solve this issue.

tighten any loose screws to solve this issue
  1. Check the strike plate that holds the latch in place on the doorframe. If it is somehow bent or broken, your lock may be clank and creates noise while locking your door.
Check the strike plate
  1. Check if the key cylinder of your lock is dirty. If any lint is stuck into the cylinder, clean these with a toothbrush or Q-tip. 

Even you need sometimes change and replace these parts all at once.

  1. If none of the above problems is your issue, there could be an internal malfunction with your lock. So contact Kwikset support to get further assistance.

Kwikset Smart Lock is not locking

Kwikset Smart Lock is not locking

Do you attempt to lock your Kwikset Smart lock but fail? There could be several reasons behind of happening this:

  • Dead batteries
  • Update your device and any firmware software
  • Door misalignment
  • Latch issues
  • Need reset

How to fix a Kwikset deadbolt lock that won’t lock?

  1. If the batteries are not powered or are near dead, try replacing all the batteries with new ones. 
How to fix a Kwikset deadbolt lock that won’t lock
  1. Check if your device, compatible App, or any firmware software is outdated. If so, upgrade them. 
  1. The lock won’t engage if your door is not correctly aligned with the doorframe. So, ensure the door is suitably aligned and closes securely.
  1. Ensure the latch is suitably aligned and engaged with the strike plate. 
  2. If all the above tries are failed, try resetting your lock.

How to lock a Kwikset smart lock

You can easily lock your Kwikset door with the below things. But remember, the locking procedure may vary depending on the specific Kwikset model and its feature. You can use,

  • Your fingerprint
  • Kwikset lock App
  • Kwikset lock button
  • Use voice assistance.

Let’s get the locking process:

  1. Place your identified finger on the fingerprint sensor of the touchscreen locks to lock your door. 

After pressing it, the light bar will flash, show animations, and beep a single time. Thus your door will close.

  1. Those Smart Locks support the App System that will be locked using a Smart Home device from their smartphone, tablet, or computer. 
Kwikset app

So open your compatible App, select your desired lock, and press on the lock symbol.

  1. Some Kwikset locks have a dedicated Kwikset button, lock symbol, or lock button on the exterior side.

 Press this button once to engage the deadbolt.

Kwikset smart lock button picture
  1. If your door lock is compatible with a voice assistant such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, you can close your door by giving a voice command. 

Simply say “Lock the door”, and the voice assistant will lock your deadbolt.

  1. Most of the Kwisket lock allows you to lock your door by entering an access code. In that case, type your access code and press the lock button.

How to reset Kwikset Smart Lock?

If you face any trouble with your Kwikset lock and need to reset it, follow the below steps:

  1. First, encounter the reset or program button depending on your lock model.
  1. Then press this reset or program button for 10 seconds. 
  1. Keep holding it until you will hear a beeping sound.
  1. After that, your lock may go into its default settings.

Do you want to learn more about this resetting process? Just read our Kwikset smart lock resetting guide to get detailed information.

How to unlock Kwikset smart lock?

You can unlock your Kwikset door lock using the things below:

  • A key,
  • A fingerprint,
  • An access code,
  • A Kwikset lock App,
  • A voice assistant,
  • A screwdriver.

Th unlocking process of your Kwikset Lock is below:

  1. Many Kwisket lock models have a traditional keyway that you can use to unlock the door. 

Insert the Key into the keyway, and turn it clockwise to the horizontal stage. 

insert the key

Then turn out the lever or handle to open your door. Turn the Key back in a vertical position to take it out.

  1. Place your identified finger on the fingerprint sensor of the touchscreen locks to unlock your door.

After pressing it, the light bar will flash, show animations, and beep a single time. Thus your lock will open.

  1. Type the user code and press the lock button once. The lock will start to beep twice. 
set user code

It means the lock is unlocked. You can press the Kwikset button before typing the code at night to flash the keypad.

  1. Open your compatible App, select your desired lock, and push on the unlock symbol.
  1. You can use a compatible voice assistant to unlock your door lock. Just tell “Unlock the door”, and the voice assistant will open your deadbolt.
Kwisket smart app for testing door lock is working or not
  1. You can also use a simple screwdriver to unlock your Kwikset deadbolt. See the process from here.

How to unlock the Kwikset lock from outside?

You can unlock your Kwikset lock from the outside using the user code, key, and Kwisket App. 

You can also use a bobby pin, paper clip, or credit card as an alternative way to unlock your door in an emergency. 

You can read our post here if you are getting locked out and want to unlock the door without a key. How to open a deadbolt lock?

Let’s see how you can use a code, key, or App to unlock a lock from outside:

How to unlock the Kwikset lock with a user code?

If your lock is featured with an electronic keypad, you may have access to a user code. 

Here you can use this code to unlock your door lock from outside. 

To do this,

  • Type your exact user code on the keypad and enjoy a keyless entry.
  •  Don’t enter the wrong user code. 
  • If you typed the invalid code, try again with the correct code after a few minutes.

However, you can set up multiple access codes, and you should remember this code.

How to unlock the Kwikset lock with a key?

How to unlock the Kwikset lock with a key?

If your Kwikset lock has a keyhole, you can easily use a key to unlock your door lock from outside.

To do this:

  • Place the key into your Kwikset locks keyhole. 
  • Then, simply turn it in its required direction to unlock your door.
How to unlock the Kwikset lock with a key?

How to unlock the Kwikset lock with a Kwikset App?

How to unlock the Kwikset lock with a Kwikset App?

If your lock is compatible with Apps, you can use it to unlock your door via a smartphone. 

Kwisket Halo, Kevo, Aura and Kwisket Premis supports Kwikset App. 

To do this:

  • Open your Kwikset App on your tab, computer, or smartphone. 
  • Select the desired lock you want to unlock.
  • Click on the Unlock option. The door will open.

Kwikset smart lock flashing red

If your Kwisket Smart lock is flashing red and makes beeping sounds, the batteries are getting low or near dead. I know this Kwikset beeeping issue is really annoying.

So replace them all at once with new batteries. Use alkaline A batteries or 9V batteries, depending on the model.

You may also see red flashes if you enter the wrong master code. Ensure you enter the correct user code.

The Kwikset lock flashes red 3 times

If the door lock flashes red three times, there would be some reason behind this:

Door handing is not correct

Perform the door-handing process perfectly during installation. 

To do it,

  1. Take out the interior cover and battery back from the battery compartment.
  2. Press and hold the Lock button while inserting the battery pack again. Do it until the door latch bolt starts to extend and retract on its own.
  3. If it is, door handling was successful. If the bolt won’t move, wait 15 seconds. Then try this procedure again.

Typed the wrong user code:

When you type an invalid user code more than three times, the lock will show three red flashes. In that case, wait a minute and attempts this procedure again.

Low battery:

If the batteries are low or dead, the lock may flash red three times. So, remove and replace the batteries.

How to change the Kwikset Smart lock batteries

If you need to change or replace your old or dead batteries with new ones to troubleshoot any issues with your lock, follow the below steps;

  1. Take the lock cover out by sliding or unscrewing it.
How to change the Kwikset Smart lock batteries
  1. Remove the battery pack from the battery compartment.
How to change the Kwikset Smart lock batteries
  1. Take all batteries out at once.
  2. Insert new batteries into the battery pack.
  3. Reinstall it in the lock compartment.
How to change the Kwikset Smart lock batteries
  1. Reinstall the lock cover. Secure with its screws.
  2. Read our Kwikset Smart Lock battery changing post to learn the detailed process.

Kwikset’s invalid access limit exceeded

Your Kwikset Smart lock may display a message of an invalid access limit exceeded if you enter an incorrect access code several times. So, you will lock out for a few minutes.

So what can you do if you get this message?

You can try to unlock your door after a few minutes by entering this code again. 

Yet, you can add a new user code or reset the lock if you forget this access code.

However, to know the reason and get a perfect solution, read our Kwikset’s invalid access limit exceeded solution post.

Kwikset Deadbolt Latch malfunctioning

If you notice some malfunctioning with your deadbolt latch, there would be several causes:

  • Dead batteries 
  • Misaligned door latch and strike
  • Improper door handling
  • An unresponsive lock keypad
  • Wrong door measurement

How to troubleshoot this problem?

  1. Replace all the batteries with new ones if they are low or dead.
  1. Check if the door latch isn’t aligned with the strike plate. If yes, the latch won’t retract or extend. 

In that case, follow the tips you can take if the Kwikset door latch won’t retract.

  1. Execute the door-handing process properly. To do it, 
  1. Remove the battery cover and battery pack.
  2. Press the program button while reinstalling the battery pack until the door latch bolt retracts or extends. Thus, the lock will learn the orientation of the door.
  3. Confirm the Green LED light. It indicates the process is successfully ended. If not, try this process again.
  1. Ensure the keypad is responsive to your command.
  1. Check the door measurement and dimensions. If you need to drill the door, perfectly follow the door drilling instructions. You can find this instruction online.

The Kwikset lock is stuck in the locked position

The Kwikset lock is stuck in the locked position

If your Kwisket lock gets stuck in the locked position, you can try the following instructions before calling a professional locksmith:

  1. Check the lock, door latch, and strike plate for obstructions or dirt. These may be preventing your door lock from operating correctly. 

Clean or clear any obstructions and try to operate your lock again.

  1. Disassemble the lock and check if any component is bent, broken, worn out, or loose over time. 
  1. If you find any corrosion around the moving part, grease up these components using some WD-40. It will be better to replace any bent or worn-out components of the lock.
  1. If any dirt is stuck on the lock’s mechanism, clean them or lubricate the lock’s keyway and try again to operate it.
  1. You should grease up your deadbolt regularly. It will help the lock get lubricated and work perfectly for more times.

The Kwikset deadbolt is not turning smoothly

If you notice your Kwikset deadbolt lock isn’t turning smoothly, several culprits are responsible for this:

  • Any locks component is bent or damaged.
  • Any dirt as corrosion.
  • Deadbolt may lose.
  • Dead batteries.

How to fix this issue?

  1. Check if any component of the lock is bent or damaged. This damaged part may cause friction, and you can’t turn the deadbolt. 

So take these out that may be stuck on the bolt to fix this issue.

  1. If any dirt or debris is stuck on the lock mechanism, remove it quickly with a soft cloth. 

Even, somehow the internal mechanism is affected by water, it will work as corrosion, and your deadbolt won’t work. 

  1. Ensure the deadbolt screws are not loose. Your deadbolt may have small screws under the door knob on top of the deadbolt. 

Tighten them as required. But don’t overtighten screws or let them loose so the door latch can turn properly.

  1. If the batteries have no power, replace them. If your lock is rechargeable, recharge it.

Kwikset lock keeps trying to lock

Your Kwikset lock may keep trying to lock if it is stuck in the unlocked position. This attempt indicates an issue with the lock’s interior mechanism or electronic components. 

Try the below things to solve this issue without a repairman:

  1. Check if the deadbolt is sliding and moving perfectly and smoothly while you try to turn it. 

If not, disassemble the deadbolt and reinstall it to insert it correctly. If this attempt doesn’t fix these issues, replace the locks with new ones.

  1. Change the dead batteries and replace them with new ones. 
  1. Keep the lock’s firmware up to date. It can find potential software-related problems that may cause erratic locking behavior.
  1. If the auto-lock function is enabled, try somehow to disable it. Then set it to its default settings.
  1. Re-calibrate these locks if the above steps don’t work.
  1. If none of the above steps fix your issues, factory reset the Kwikset lock. It will back your lock to its normal operating mode.

In conclusion

We assure you that this article will help troubleshoot most problems with your Kwikset Smart lock.

You can easily fix your issues by following our above tips before calling a locksmith. The basic Kwikset Smart Lock troubleshooting steps you may take:

  • Replace the batteries.
  • Upgrade the outdated firmware.
  • Reprogram your Kwikset lock system.
  • Check your lock’s internet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth connection.
  • Replace any damaged lock components.

Before that, you must address the exact issues with your lock quickly to get proper troubleshooting.

Yet, if none of the above solutions work, contact a professional or Kwikset support for further help. 

They will provide additional troubleshooting steps or offer a replacement lock if essential.

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