How to Change the Code on a Yale Push Button Door Lock

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How to Change the Code on a Yale Push Button Door Lock

Last updated on November 10th, 2023 at 01:52 pm

In this digital age, security and convenience go hand in hand. If you own a Yale push button door lock, you’ve taken a significant step towards enhancing the security of your home. However, to maintain that security, it’s crucial to know how to change the code on your Yale lock. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, ensuring your home remains safe and accessible only to those you trust.

How to Change the Code on a Yale Push Button Door Lock

Before we dive into the Yale Programming process, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental concepts of your Yale push button door lock.

The Yale push button door lock is designed with memory capabilities, but it has a strict policy of not accepting duplicate PIN codes. Moreover, it comes with a default master PIN code (12345678) to provide a basic level of security. However, for optimal security, you must change the factory master PIN code after the installation.

Tools You’ll need

To begin, you’ll need the following tools at your disposal:

  • Your Yale push button door lock
  • The factory default master PIN code (12345678)
  • A new, personalized master PIN code (a minimum of 4 digits and a maximum of 8 digits)

Accessing the Programming Mode

The first step in changing the code on your Yale push button door lock is to access the programming mode. Here’s how:

  1. Stand in front of your door lock and ensure it’s in the unlocked position.
  2. Enter the factory default master PIN code (12345678) using the keypad.
  3. Press the “#” key to confirm your entry.

Selecting the Programming Option

Now that you’re in programming mode, it’s time to select the appropriate option. Follow these steps:

  1. After entering the factory default master PIN code, press the “#” key once more.
  2. You will see a menu of options. Select “Programming” by entering “1” and then press the “#” key.

Changing the Master PIN Code

Now comes the most critical part – changing Yale master PIN code. Follow these steps carefully:

  1. After selecting “Programming,” enter your new master PIN code (between 4 to 8 digits).
  2. Press the “#” key to confirm your new code.
  3. Your Yale door lock will acknowledge the change, usually with a series of beeps or a light indicator.

Read this article if your Yale master code not working

Testing Your New Code

To ensure the success of your code change, it’s crucial to test your new master PIN code. Lock and unlock your door using the new code to ensure it’s functioning correctly.

Safeguarding Your New Code

Your new master PIN code is a vital piece of information that should remain private. It’s essential to keep it confidential and share it only with those who need access to your home.

Additional Security Measures

In addition to changing your master PIN code, there are other security measures you can consider to enhance the safety of your home. These include:

  • Regularly updating your PIN code for added security.
  • Enabling an auto-lock feature that ensures your door is locked after a specific period of inactivity.
  • Keeping your door lock’s firmware up to date to benefit from the latest security enhancements.


If you encounter any issues during the code-changing process, refer to my another post on Yale lock troubleshooting guidance. Additionally, you can contact Yale’s customer support for assistance.


In conclusion, knowing how to change the code on your Yale push button door lock is an essential skill for maintaining the security of your home. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can ensure that your door lock remains secure and accessible only to those you trust. Remember to keep your new master PIN code confidential and regularly update it for added security. With these precautions in place, you can enjoy both peace of mind and convenience in your daily life.

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