Aiwit doorbell battery not charging

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Aiwit doorbell battery not charging

When the battery in your aiwit smart doorbell is not charging, it can be a serious issue that affects the device’s functionality.

However, like other common aiwit doorbell troubleshooting, you can also fix it!

Proper battery charging is essential for ensuring your doorbell operates smoothly and reliably.

Before go deeper into the article lets come across the battery related common features:

  • The AIWIT doorbell is powered by three 18650 lithium-ion cells, each with a capacity of 2600mAh, totaling 7800 mAh when used together.
  • To charge the batteries, users have to connect the device to a USB charger using a Micro USB cable.
  • The charging process typically takes around 14 hours to fully charge both batteries. Despite this charging duration, the doorbell is designed to maintain a long-lasting battery life, with the ability to last at least 1 week between charges under normal usage conditions. 
  • The USB charging voltage required for the doorbell is DC 5V with a current rating of 1.5A, ensuring efficient and reliable charging for sustained operation of the AIWIT doorbell.

Why My Aiwit Doorbell Battery Not Getting Charged

aiwit doorbell battery not charging

If you are facing issues with your AIWIT doorbell battery not charging, it could be due to various factors that need to be addressed. 

1. Inaccurate Voltage:

Supplying the wrong voltage to the AIWIT doorbell may indeed hinder the charging process of your await doorbell’s battery. It’s crucial to provide the doorbell with the correct voltage range.

Solution: The AIWIT doorbell needs an external power supply of AC 12-24V to charge its battery properly. If it doesn’t get this amount of voltage, the battery won’t charge as it should. Make sure the doorbell is connected to a power source with this voltage range to ensure it charges correctly.

2. Faulty Power Source

One of the most common reasons for a smart doorbell battery not charging is a faulty power source. If the power outlet or wiring is damaged, it can prevent the battery from charging properly. 

Solution: First, check the power supply parts like the transformer and wires to see if they’re working right. Use another device to check if the transformer is giving enough power. Also, look closely at the wires to make sure they’re connected well and not broken. If you find any problems, fix or replace the parts that aren’t working.

3. Improper charger:

For your AIWIT doorbell to charge properly, it needs the right USB charger. The required voltage for the charger is DC 5V / 1.5A. If the doorbell doesn’t receive the correct charger with this voltage, the battery won’t charge as it should.

Solution: Make sure you use a charger with the specified voltage to ensure the doorbell charges correctly.

4. Battery Age:

Like all rechargeable batteries, the battery in your AIWIT smart doorbell will degrade over time. If your battery is several years old, it may no longer be able to hold a charge effectively and may need to be replaced.

Solution: The solution for a degraded battery in your AIWIT smart doorbell is to replace the old batteries with new ones.

5. Environmental Factors:

The AIWIT doorbell, known for its versatility in varying conditions, is designed to function within a temperature range of 10 to 50 degrees Celsius and can handle humidity levels below 95%. Temperature can significantly impact the charging performance of the AIWIT doorbell battery. Extreme temperatures, whether too hot or too cold, can affect the battery’s ability to charge efficiently. In colder temperatures, the battery may have reduced capacity and slower charging rates, leading to prolonged charging times. On the other hand, in excessively hot conditions, the battery may degrade faster, affecting its overall lifespan and charging efficiency. 

Solution: It is recommended to avoid extreme temperatures. In colder climates, consider using a battery warmer to maintain optimal charging capacity, while in hotter conditions, provide adequate ventilation to prevent overheating and prolong the battery’s lifespan.

6. Overheating

Excessive heat can also prevent your smart doorbell battery from charging properly. Make sure that the device is not exposed to direct sunlight or placed near any other  heat sources. If the battery becomes too hot, it may stop charging altogether.

Solution: To prevent your smart doorbell battery from being affected by excessive heat during charging, avoid direct sunlight and heat sources. Place the device in a shaded area with good ventilation to maintain an optimal temperature. Consider using a protective cover for insulation if needed. These steps will help prevent overheating and ensure reliable charging performance for your smart doorbell.

7. Hardware Issues

In some cases, hardware issues such as a damaged charging port or a faulty battery can prevent the device from charging properly.

Solution: If you think something’s wrong with your AIWIT doorbell charging, like a broken charging port or a bad battery, here’s what to do. First, check the charging hole for dirt or damage and clean it if needed. Then, try a different charger and cable to see if that helps. If it still doesn’t work, you might need a new battery or you can ask for help from customer service. And remember to be careful when dealing with electronics.

8. Defective Charger or Charging Cable

The AIWIT doorbell battery may not charge if the charger or charging cable is defective or not working correctly. If the charger or cable is damaged, broken, or faulty, it won’t be able to provide the necessary power to charge the doorbell battery.

Solution: To solve this problem, start by inspecting the charger and cable for any visible signs of damage, such as frayed wires or bent connectors. If you notice any issues, replace the charger or cable with a new, functional one. Additionally, ensure that the charging port on the doorbell is clean and free from debris, as this can also hinder proper charging. By using a working charger and cable, and ensuring a clean connection, you should be able to resolve the issue and have your AIWIT doorbell charging as expected.

9. Inefficient Battery Usage:

Setting the high motion sensitivity on your AIWIT doorbell can harm battery life.

It causes the device to trigger frequently, even for minor movements or changes.

Each time the doorbell activates due to motion, it uses power to record and transmit footage. High sensitivity can lead to the doorbell triggering more often than needed.

This will lead the battery to run out faster and you’ll have to charge it more often. Eventually, the battery won’t hold a charge for long and won’t be very useful.

Solution: Reducing the motion sensitivity on your AIWIT doorbell can help conserve the battery by minimising unnecessary triggers. When the sensitivity is lowered, the doorbell won’t activate as frequently from small movements or changes in the environment. This means it won’t use as much power to record or transmit footage, ultimately extending the battery life between charges.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, ensuring a proper power source and functioning charging equipment is crucial for the AIWIT doorbell to charge effectively. Regular maintenance, such as checking for damaged cables or adjusting motion sensitivity, can help prolong battery life and ensure reliable performance. By addressing these issues promptly, users can enjoy uninterrupted functionality from their AIWIT doorbell.

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